영어 단어 공부 97

voca, jj, December 23, 2020

매일 공부한 단어를 복습하는 겸 남기는 메모장입니다.

absorb흡수하다The large solar panels of spacecrafts absorb solar energy and this energy powers the crafts
alternative energy대체에너지The green growth movement will promote the development of alternative energy sources
biofuel생물 연료Biofuels are an alternative energy to the fossil fuels that we now depend upon heavily
campaign캠페인, 운동 
carbon탄소Nuclear power stations could help to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming
CO2 emission이산화탄소 배출 
coal석탄Although the environmental effects of burning coal are severe, still new coal-burning power plants are being built
conservation보호, 보존Both the private and public sectors should have more interest in energy conservation and renewable energy
