영어 단어 공부 21
voca, jj, February 03, 2020
매일 공부한 단어를 복습하는 겸 남기는 메모장입니다.
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
graduate | 졸업생, 줄업하다 | University graduates are able to have access to more and better job opportunities, and they tend to earn higher salaries. |
graduation | 졸업 | |
grant | 보조금, 주다, 수여하다 | The student grants program is a funding opportunity for stduents living on a very limited budget |
hall of residence | 기숙사 | |
home scholling | 홈 스쿨링 | |
homesick | 향수병의, 집을 그리워하는 | |
homesickness | 향수병 | Halls of residence can be an excellent choices for accommodation in London as a student |
homework | 숙제 | |
international student | 외국인 학생 | |
learn | 배우다 | |
learning disorder | 학습장애 | |
lecture | 강의 |