영어 단어 공부 27
voca, jj, February 16, 2020
매일 공부한 단어를 복습하는 겸 남기는 메모장입니다.
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
comprehend | 이해하다 | Physics is one of the most difficult subjects to comprehend |
comprehension | 이해 | The speaking test will measure a person’s grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, intonation, and comprehension |
concept | 개념 | |
conclude | 결론 내리다 | The goverment concluded that foreign English teachers at secondary schools were less efficient than those at primary schools |
conclusion | 결론 | |
confirm | 승인하다 | As soon as the booking process is complete, we will send the booker an email to confirm the reservation |
confirmation | 승인, 확인 | |
conjecture | 추측, 억측 | The speaker’s opinion was a mere conjecture based on limited information and facts |