영어 단어 공부 56
voca, jj, May 10, 2020
매일 공부한 단어를 복습하는 겸 남기는 메모장입니다.
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
weed | 잡초 | After pulling weeds and trimming trees I am going to plant red reoses in my garden |
wild | 야생의 | Zoos should use their income wisely in preserving wild animals |
zoo | 동물원 | |
acclimatise | 순응하다, 적응하다 | To prepare for human space travel one must acclimatise to eating. drinking and even using the toilet in space |
Antarctic | 남극 지역 | In the Antarctic, penguins spend most of their lives in the water |
Arctic | 북극 지역 | Canada’s Inuit people are facing threats posed by climate change in the Arctic |
artificial satellite | 인공 위성 | |
asteroid | 소행성 | If a large asteroid approaches Earth, that could end all living organisms on the planet |
astronaut | 우주 비행사 | So-yeon Yi is the first Korean astronaut and 475th one in the world |
astronomer | 천문학자 | Astronomers have made a great effort to find planets and moons that may be inhabitable |
cosmic | 우주의, 무한한 | I am keen on watching various and viewable cosmic phenomena in the sky |
cosmos | 우주 | My science teacher used to talk about interesting cutting edge science and the cosmos |