영어 단어 공부 8
voca, jj, January 08, 2020
매일 공부한 단어를 복습하는 겸 남기는 메모장입니다.
단어 | 뜻 | 예문 |
acute | 급성의 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) killed a number of people last year |
aggravate | 악화시키다 | Stress aggravates any illness people suffer from |
airsick | 비행기 멀미가 난 | |
allergic | 알레르기의 | |
allergy | 알레르기 | |
anxiety | 불안감 | Doing yoga is helpful in lessening the level of anxiety |
appetite | 식욕 | |
artery | 동맥 | Eating a lot of red meat everyday may clog people’s arteries and make them obese |
artificial flavours | 인공 조미료 | Artificial flavours can boost people’s appetites and make them eat more |
asset | 자산 | |
avoid | 피하다 | |
backache | 요통 | Persistent stress could result in a weaker immune system and frequent headaches and backaches |
beneficial | 이로운 유익한 | |
benefit | 이득 | |
blurred | 흐릿한, 뿌연 | |
brisk | 활발한, 활기찬 | A daily brisk walk of about 30 minutes helps the heart and lungs to be healthier |
cancer | 암 | |
carsick | 차멀미를 하는 | |
choke | 질식시키다, 숨이 막히다 |